Election Day: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Early Voting: October 23 - November 3, 2023
2023 Texas Constitutional Amendment Election
All Texas voters can vote in the Constitutional Amendment election, which includes 14 propositions. Voters will vote “for” or “against” each.
The constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management.
The constitutional amendment authorizing a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county or municipality of all or part of the appraised value of real property used to operate a child-care facility.
The constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of an individual wealth or net worth tax, including a tax on the difference between the assets and liabilities of an individual or family.
The constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a temporary limit on the maximum appraised value of real property other than a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes; to increase the amount of the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district applicable to residence homesteads from $40,000 to $100,000; to adjust the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes imposed on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect increases in certain exemption amounts; to except certain appropriations to pay for ad valorem tax relief from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations; and to authorize the legislature to provide for a four-year term of office for a member of the board of directors of certain appraisal districts.
The constitutional amendment relating to the Texas University Fund, which provides funding to certain institutions of higher education to achieve national prominence as major research universities and drive the state economy.
The constitutional amendment creating the Texas water fund to assist in financing water projects in this state.
The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas energy fund to support the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric generating facilities.
The constitutional amendment creating the broadband infrastructure fund to expand high-speed broadband access and assist in the financing of connectivity projects.
The constitutional amendment authorizing the 88th Legislature to provide a cost-of-living adjustment to certain annuitants of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
The constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation equipment or inventory held by a manufacturer of medical or biomedical products to protect the Texas healthcare network and strengthen our medical supply chain.
The constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit conservation and reclamation districts in El Paso County to issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to fund the development and maintenance of parks and recreational facilities.
The constitutional amendment providing for the abolition of the office of county treasurer in Galveston County.
The constitutional amendment to increase the mandatory age of retirement for state justices and judges.
The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the centennial parks conservation fund to be used for the creation and improvement of state parks.
In addition to the constitutional amendments, voters in the San Antonio River Authority region will choose representatives to the board. Some local municipalities are also holding their own elections.
Election Day: Tuesday, November 7
- 7:00 am – 7:00 pm
Early Voting: Monday, October 23 – Friday, November 3
- Monday, October 23 – Friday, October 27: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday, October 28: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
- Sunday, October 29: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
- Monday, October 30 – Wednesday, November 1: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Thursday, November 2 – Friday, November 3: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Where do I go to vote?
During Early Voting and on Election Day, you can vote at ANY polling location. Keep in mind locations might differ between Early Voting and Election Day.
What do I need to vote?
The short answer: if you have a Texas or US photo identification (can be expired up to 4 years), bring that. The long answer: if you don’t have government-issued photo identification available, you can show another form of identification and sign a verified declaration at your polling place.
How do I register to vote?
The deadline to register to vote in the constitutional amendment election has already passed. If you didn’t have a chance to register in time, make sure you do so now so you’re ready for the next election!
What if I can't vote in person?
If you won’t be in Bexar County for Early Voting and Election Day; are 65 years or older; are sick or disabled; expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day; or confined in jail but otherwise eligible to vote, you can vote early by mail. Applications must be received by October 27. Mail-in ballots must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day, November 7.
What if my information doesn’t match my identification?
The address on your identification does NOT have to match your address on your voter registration information. If your name does not exactly match your name on your voter registration information, election officials will review your identification, and if your name is “substantially similar,” you’ll be allowed to vote (but required to submit an affidavit stating you are the same person on the official list of voters).